Extreme Networks Feature Brief
Challenges leading to limited resources and growing
demands among IT organizations:
• New businesses are created to address continually
changing consumer trends and business-to-business
requirements. There is the expectation that both
service providers and the businesses involved should
be able to quickly create and deploy networks.
• Organizations are expanding in terms of both
personnel and geography, giving rise to the need
for new network segments to be up and running
with short lead times.
• Business continuity requirements mandate that
network administrators be prepared for situations
where faulty switches and routers occur in the
network and provision and replace them as quickly
as possible.
• Shrinking IT budgets mean that CIOs and network
administrators have to cut both capital and opera-
tional expenditures. Time and costs involved in
staging, deployment, and configuration of network
equipment are often seen as overhead costs.
The Solution
Extreme Networks
addresses these challenges by
providing a very flexible and simple switch provisioning
solution, which allows organizations to quickly build
networks or replace faulty switches for business
continuity. Extreme Networks Auto Configuration
feature minimizes manual configuration of switches and
enables security and compliance, as well as “green”
power savings. Extreme Networks Auto Configuration is
focused on achieving plug-and-play deployment and is
supported on all ExtremeXOS
- based hardware
platforms (version 12.5 minimum).
The Situation
As new businesses expand and organizations continue to evolve,
there is an imminent need to provide network connectivity to the
most basic and critical business applications within short lead times.
Network administrators are challenged by business goals to provide
connectivity to enterprise applications (or services) like email,
collaboration tools, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer
Relationship Management (CRM), sales applications and more, to
users and groups (remote or local) as quickly as possible.
The Challenges
Enterprise organizations require real-time results when it comes
to building their networks. Business doesn’t stop because the IT
department is waiting for the network to be ready. Organizations
today demand seamless and secure business continuity. As
businesses evolve, so must the network. Budget plays an issue
too, as IT managers operate on continually dwindling resources
and increasingly demanding expectations.
Extreme Networks Auto Configuration