Step
3:
What
you
Partially
5.5”
Cable
Required
None
You
will
n
of
one
sid
with
the
b
The
“bund
connect
t
connecto
motor
arm
wire
of
th
“extensio
Go
ahead
black
wire
Ma
three
blac
connect
a
control
ex
It
is
up
to
opening
t
On
the
ma
is
where
y
or
you
can
you
can
th
See
pictur
Electron
u
will
need
fro
Assembled
Fra
e
Ties
(55CT)
Tools:
otice
that
ea
de
and
three
“
black
and
red
dled”
wires
w
o
the
corresp
r
for
each
bla
m
is
a
male
co
he
motor
arm
n
cord”
conn
and
connect
es
from
each
ake
sure
that
ck
wires
for
a
a
black
wire
fr
xactly
one
mo
you
how
you
o
route
the
ain
lower
plat
you
will
attac
n
use
strong
d
hen
neatly
tie
re
below:
nic
Speed
om
the
kit:
ame
from
Ste
ch
of
the
six
e
“bundled”
wi
wires
coming
will
connect
to
ponding
three
ack
wire
on
th
onnector.
It
d
.
Essentially,
ecting
each
t
the
each
of
t
motor
arm.
you
connect
specific
moto
rom
an
to
otor.
u
will
route
th
bundled
w
te
you
will
no
h
each
to
double
sided
e
the
three
bl
Controlle
eps
and
ab
electronic
spe
res
(brown,
o
g
out
the
sam
o
your
flight
c
e
black
wires
he
is
a
fem
does
not
matt
the
three
bla
to
each
m
the
three
blac
the
three
bla
or
arm.
In
ot
o
a
black
wire
he
“bundled”
wires
to
the
m
otice
a
flat
rec
o
the
frame.
tape.
We
rec
ack
wires
into
er
bove
eed
controlle
orange
and
ye
me
side
and
so
controller.
Th
coming
out
o
male
connect
ter
which
bla
ack
wires
goin
motor.
ck
wires
from
ack
wires
from
her
words
–
e
on
a
differen
wires
to
your
main
upper
pl
ctangular
are
You
can
eithe
commend
tha
o
the
space
b
Connectio
ers
(ESCs)
hav
ellow)
coming
oldered
to
th
he
black
wires
of
each
motor
tor
and
the
bl
ack
wire
of
the
ng
down
the
m
each
to
m
a
specific
that
y
nt
motor
arm
r
flight
contro
ate.
ea
between
ea
er
do
this
wit
at
you
use
th
between
the
m
ns
and
e
three
black
g
out
the
othe
e
power
distr
s
coming
off
o
r
arm.
You
w
ack
wire
com
e
connec
motor
arm
ar
a
correspond
to
a
corres
you
do
not
ac
m.
Each
of
the
oller.
You
can
ach
motor
ar
h
the
supplie
e
supplied
ca
main
upper
a
Wire
Clean
k
wires
comin
er
side
‐
along
ribution
boar
of
the
wi
ill
notice
that
ming
out
of
th
cts
to
which
b
re
a
kind
of
ding
set
of
th
sponding
set
ccidentally
cr
e
six
will
n
use
any
ava
m.
This
flat
a
ed
5.5”
cable
t
able
ties
beca
nd
lower
plat
n
Up
g
out
g
rd.
ll
t
the
e
black
ree
of
oss
ailable
area
ties
use
tes.