EXTOL PREMIUM SHARE 8891860 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 40







The tool must not be triggered unless it is firmly 

positioned on a workpiece. 

If the tool is not in contact 

with the workpiece, the joining material may be diverted 
from the target. 



In the event that the joining material becomes 

jammed in the tool, then the tool must be disco-

nnected from the power source. 

If the driving tool is 

connected to the power source, it may be inadvertently tri-
ggered while the jammed joining material is being removed.



It is necessary to be careful when removing jam


med joining material. 

The mechanism may be under 

pressure and the releasing of the jammed material may 
cause the joining material to shoot out with force. 



This driving tool is not used for mounting elect-

rical cables. 

It is not designed for the installation of 

electrical cables and may damage the insulation on elect-
rical cables and thereby cause injury by electrical shock or 
present a fire hazard.



Hold the driving tool by the insulated grip sur-


Joining material may damage the insulation on 

hidden electrical cables inside the workpiece, which is under 
voltage (live) in the workpiece, which may cause the unin-
sulated metal parts of the power tool to become „live“ and 
subsequently lead to injury to the user by electrical shock.

When lifting the tool, moving between  

work locations, changing work positions 

or when walking, do not leave your 

finger on the safety mechanism of the 

driving head, since a finger resting on 

the trigger could result in the power tool 

being unintentionally triggered.



 This power tool has two 

operating modes, either 

selective contact shooting mode or continuous 

contact shooting mode, based on the position of 

the shooting mode toggle switch. Prior to using the 

driving tool, it is necessary to first properly check 

which trigger mode it is set to and the principle of 

its operation.

The driving tool may only be used in safe 

work locations. 

When using the driving tool, 

it is necessary to maintain a stable stance. 

When driving joining material, the stability of the user 

may be disturbed. For this reason, do not use the driving 
tool on ladders, chairs, scaffolding or other insufficiently 
stable bases.

Prior to inserting/removing the joining materi-
al or other installation and service tasks perfor-
med on the cordless power tool, or if leaving 

the cordless power tool without supervision, and before 
storing it, take out its battery (remove the power source).

When working with driving tools, hold them in 

such a way that no injuries to the head or body 

may occur as a result of kickback caused by a power 

supply fault or by shooting hard locations in the 

workpiece, as well as by the body being hit by a de-

flected nail from a hard surface when the nail is not 

captured in the workpiece (e.g. on edges).


Pay attention to the work environment.


being driven in, nails may knock over weak workpie-
ces or when working in corners and on edges they 
may slip out and thereby endanger persons.


When working with driving tools heed your 

own safety and the safety of any bystanders, 

e.g. that it is not possible for a nail to be shot 

into a limb in the event that it is not captured 

by the workpiece, e.g. on edges.


No temporary repairs may be performed on 

the tool using inappropriate tools or using 

non-original spare parts, and the tool mush 

not be in any way modified for any other pur-

pose of use.

The power tool creates an electromagnetic 
field during operation, which may negative-
ly affect the operation of active or passive 
medical implants (pacemakers) and threa-

ten the life of the user. Prior to using this power tool, ask 
a doctor or the manufacturer of the implant, whether you 
may work with this power tool.


When not used, the power tool must be 

stored out of children‘s reach, and persons 

not acquainted with the power tool or these 

instructions must not be permitted to use 

the power tool. 

A power tool in the hands of inex-

perienced users is dangerous.


Power tools and accessories need to be main-

tained. It is necessary to check the adjus


tment of moving parts and their movement; 

focus on cracks, broken parts or any other 

circumstances that may threaten the proper 

operation of the power tool. If the power 

tool is damaged, it is necessary to have it 

repaired before using it again. 

Many accidents 

are caused by insufficiently maintained power tools.


It is necessary to keep cutting power tools 

clean and sharp. 

Correctly maintained and sharpe-

ned cutting power tools are less likely to get stuck on 
material or to jam and they are also easier to control.


It is necessary to use power tools, accesso


ries, working tools, etc. in accordance with 

these instructions and in such a manner as 

prescribed for the specific power tool with 

respect to the given work conditions and the 

type of work being performed.

 Using power 

tools for tasks other than for which they are designed 
may lead to dangerous situations.


Handles and grip surfaces must be kept dry, 

clean and free of grease. 

Slippery handles and 

grip surfaces do not ensure a safe grip and control 
over the power tool in unexpected situations.




The power tool charge only using the charger 

specified by the manufacturer. 

A charger that 

may be suitable for one type of battery pack, may lead 
to a fire hazard if used with a different battery pack.


Only use the tool with a battery pack that is 

explicitly determined for the given tool. 

Using any 

other battery pack may create a accident or fire hazard. 


When the battery pack is not being used, 

protect it against contact with other metal 

items such as paper clips, coins, keys, nails, 

screws or other small metal items that could 

make a connection between both battery 


Short circuiting the battery contacts may 

cause burns or a fire.


Incorrect use may cause liquids to leak out of 

the battery; avoid coming into contact with 

them. In the event of accidental contact with 

these liquids, rinse the affected area with 

water. In the event that the liquid enters the 

eye, seek medical help. 

Liquids leaking from the 

battery may cause inflammations or burns.


A battery pack or power tool that is damaged 

or modified, must not be used. 

Damaged or 

modified batteries may behave erratically, which may 
result in a fire, an explosion or an injury hazard.


Battery packs or power tools must not be expo-

sed to a fire or excessive heat. 

Exposure to fire or 

a temperature exceeding 130°C may result in an explosion.


It is necessary to adhere to all battery 

charging instructions and not to charge the 

battery pack or power tool outside the tempe-

rature range specified in this user‘s manual. 

Incorrect charging, or charging at temperatures 
outside the specified range may damage the battery 
and increase the risk of fire.



Have your cordless power tool repaired by 

a qualified person using identical spare parts. 

This will ensure that the same level of safety will be 
achieved as before the repair of the power tool.


Damaged battery packs must never be 


The battery pack should only be repaired 

by the manufacturer or at an authorised service centre.

X. Safety instructions  

for driving tools



It is always necessary to assume that the tool 

contains joining material. 

Careless handling of 

driving tools may result in the joining material being 
unexpectedly shot out and injuring the user. 



The tool must not be aimed at one‘s self or anyo-

ne in the vicinity. 

Unexpected triggering will shoot out 

joining material, which causes injury. 

Содержание SHARE 8891860

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Страница 28: ...il aufweist WARNUNG y y Wenn das Ladegerät beschädigt ist stellen Sie sicher dass es durch ein Originalteil vom Hersteller ersetzt wird Zum Aufladen der Batterie darf nur das originelle Ladegerät vom Hersteller verwen det werden da sonst der Einsatz eines anderen Ladegeräts einen Brand oder eine Explosion infolge von falschen Ladeparametern verursachen kann Schützen Sie das Netzkabel des Ladegerät...

Страница 29: ...n Materials anzupassen Weiches Material Weichholz Textilien weiche Faserplatten wie OSB Kunststoffe usw Es können Nägel und Klammern mit einer Länge von bis zu 5 cm verwendet werden Wenn die Schlagkraft richtig eingestellt ist wird der Nagel die Klammer vollständig in das Material gesetzt Hartes Material Hartholz geklebtes Sperrholz Hartfaserplatte sowie MDF Platten Es können Nägel und Heftklammer...

Страница 30: ...f noch einmal reinschauen kann MitdemAusdruck Elektrowerkzeug istinallennachste hendaufgeführtenWarnhinweisenElektrowerkzeuggeme int dasvomNetzgespeistwird mitbeweglicherZuleitung oderElektrowerkzeug dasausBatteriengespeistwird ohne beweglicheZuleitung B KontinuierlichesSetzenvonNägeln durchgehenderKontaktabschuss Wahlschalterposition B Fürden DauersetzmodusdrückenSiezuerstdenAbzug Abb 1 Position1...

Страница 31: ...n im Einklang mit diesen Anweisungen und auf so eine Art und Weise benutzt werden die für das konkrete Elektrowerkzeug vorgeschrie 1 SICHERHEIT DES ARBEITSUMFELDES a Der Arbeitsplatz muss sauber gehalten wer den und gut beleuchtet sein Unordnung und dunkle Räume sind häufig die Ursache von Unfällen b Elektrowerkzeug darf nicht im Milieu mit Explosionsgefahr wo sich brennbare Flüssigkeiten Gase ode...

Страница 32: ...es Feld das die Funktionsfähigkeit von aktiven bzw passiven medizinischen Implantaten Herzschrittmachern negativ beeinflussen und das Leben des Nutzers gefährden kann Informieren Sie sich vor dem GebrauchdiesesGerätesbeimArztoderImplantathersteller ob Sie mit diesem Gerät arbeiten dürfen ben wurde und dies unter Berücksichigung der gegebenen Arbeitsbedingungen und der Art der durchgeführten Arbeit...

Страница 33: ...aus dem Gerät entfernt auf und laden Sie ihn nach einigen Monaten nicht länger als sechs Monate vollständig auf um die längste Lebensdauer zu gewährleisten y y Schützen Sie die Batteriekontakte vor Schmutz Verformung oder anderen Beschädigungen und vermeiden Sie eine leitende Überbrückung der Batteriekontakte indem Sie Anschlüsse durch ein Klebeband schützen um einen Kurzschluss der Batterie zu ve...

Страница 34: ...AkkumulatorsohneBelastung 2000 mAh Akku Kapazität Tabelle 4 Anmerkung zur Tabelle 4 Die Bedeutung der anderen Piktogramme die mit den Piktogrammen auf den Akku Werkzeugen identisch sind und die Kennzeichnung sind in Tabelle 2 angegeben XIV Instandhaltung und Reinigung y y DasAkku WerkzeugerfordertwährendseinerLebensdauer keinespezielleInstandhaltung Überprüfenundreinigen SiedieLüftungsschlitzedesM...

Страница 35: ...tion of the following faults y y Jammed nail staple y y Flat battery y y High tool temperature y y Empty magazine used up nails staples A B Single shot or continuous shooting mode based on the required amount of driven joining material Impact force driving depth adjustment The battery is equipped with protection against full discharge which damages it The absence of a power cord provides freedom o...

Страница 36: ... 1 5 m s2 Weight of cordless power tool with battery 2000 mAh 3 0 kg Weight of cordless power tool with battery 4000 mAh 3 3 kg Protection marking IPX0 FUNCTION Single continuous shooting YES Impact force driving depth adjustment YES LED fault indicator YES Jammed nail staple LED indicator Flat battery LED indicator High temperature LED indicator Empty magazine LED indicator After shooting 3 5 mag...

Страница 37: ... The manu facturer takes no responsibility for damages or injuries arising from use that is in contradiction to this user s manual Before using this appliance first acquaint yourself with all the control elements and parts as well as how to turn it off immediately in the event of a dangerous situation arising Before using first check that all parts are firmly attached and check that no part of the...

Страница 38: ...ng again Fig 3A location of staple strip in the magazine 1 Fig 3B inserting the staple strip into the plastic part 2 VII Selecting a shooting mode and setting the impact force y y Set the shooting mode toggle switch fig 1 position 8 into position A or B according to the desired shooting mode where toggle switch position A is for the single shot mode and position B for continuous shooting mode A Th...

Страница 39: ...OOLS a Power tools must not be overloaded It is necessary to use power tools that are designed for the work being performed Appropriate power tools for a given task will do the job better and with greater safety b Power tools that cannot be turned on and off with a trigger switch must not be used Any power tools that cannot be controlled using a trigger switch are dangerous and must be repaired c ...

Страница 40: ...f the implant whether you may work with this power tool d When not used the power tool must be stored out of children s reach and persons not acquainted with the power tool or these instructions must not be permitted to use the power tool A power tool in the hands of inex perienced users is dangerous e Power tools and accessories need to be main tained It is necessary to check the adjus tment of m...

Страница 41: ...he battery out with household waste see subsequent paragraph about waste disposal XI Safety instructions warnings for driving tools in the form of pictograms provided on the driving tool LED Description Blocked Low Battery Overheat No Nails Beforeusingthecordlesspowertool ca refullyreadtheuser smanualandensure thatyouunderstandthemarkingsonthe cordlesspowertool Non adherencetothis warningcouldresu...

Страница 42: ...ety reasons original parts from the manufactu rer must be used for repairs of the power tool y y For warranty repairs of the product please contact the vendor from whom you purchased the product and they will organise repairs at an authorised service centre for the Extol brand For a post warranty repair please contact the authorised service centre of the Extol brand directly you will find the repa...
