Model 42580 Version 2.2 11/03
Save File
The SAVE FILE icon is
the second icon on the
left (floppy disk symbol).
Click on this icon to
save recorded data as a
text file. When clicked,
the PC will prompt for a
filename and location.
Once saved, this file can
be opened in other
programs such as
spreadsheets, word
processors, and
Load File
The OPEN FILE icon is
located third from left.
Double Click to open a
file that has already
been saved. Please note
that in order to view, the
file must be viewed in
the same set location
(i.e. If a file was
recorded as Set 2 it can
only be viewed with Set
2 selected in the set
selector drop down
Erase Data
The ERASE icon is the first icon on the left. Click to clear data from the screen.
The PRINT icon is
the fourth icon from
the left. Click to print.
When prompted,
enter the desired
set(s) and click OK
to begin printing.