USB Host to Android RS232 Adapter Cable, w/ DB9 Male Connector
Provides 1 RS232 Serial Port over USB Host Port
Provides Power Source to the Android Device via the Y-Cable
Supports Battery Charging the Android Device with SDP (Standard
Downstream Port) Mode
Easy Serial Port Expansion for Android Devices
Supports UART Signals: TXD, RXD, RTS and CTS
Provides General HyperTerm UART Utility Apps;
Easily Adaptable to a Console Function:
Supports CTS/RTS Flow Control
Baud from 300 to 921600 With CTS/RTS Flow Control
Baud from 300 to 115200 Without Flow Control
Save File and Send File Functions
Provides 1 Nut-type DB9-Male Connector
Supports Android Platform Supporting Android Open
Accessory Mode (version 3.1 onwards and some v2.3.4 )
Connect the Micro-USB end of the Adapter Cable to your
Android Device
s Charging/USB connector.
Plug the USB Type-A end of the Adapter Cable into the USB
Battery Charging Adapter (not shipped with the Adapter Cable,
should have come with your Android Device)
Connect the RS232 Serial Device to the DB9 male connector of
the Adapter Cable by a Serial Cable.
3. Installing the Adapter Cable
Type-A to USB
Power Adapter
Micro-USB to the
Android Device
DB9 male to the
RS232 device via
the serial cable