Cleaning the Brewing Components by Hand:
Cleaning the brewing surfaces is done as follows:
Note: The cleaning of the brew head should be done while the machine is cold to avoid
1. Remove the shower screen. The shower screen is located at the same place the
portafilter installs into the machine. Using a flat-head screwdriver, wiggle the screen
out. The screen and gasket will come out together.
2. Separate the screen from the gasket as the solution can damage plastic and rubber
Note: Remember which side of the gasket faces up.
3. Mix a solution of Urnex Cafiza and very hot water in a container. Use two
tablespoons of the cleaner and fill the container halfway, as the solution will foam.
4. Soak the shower screen, shot baskets and portafilter head in the solution for about 10
minutes. Take care not to soak the portafilter handle; as the solution may damage the
5. After a thorough cleaning, rinse all parts with fresh clean water.
6. Reassemble in reverse order.
14. Cleaning the Housing
Use a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft cloth. Do not forget to disconnect the machine from
the electrical supply before cleaning.
15. Trouble Shooting Guide
The Machine Does Not Turn On:
Make sure the power is on and the machine is plugged in.
Make sure that there is power to the outlet in the wall.
Make sure there is water in the reservoir
Coffee Comes Out Too Quickly:
See the Golden Rule. The coffee probably has to be ground finer and or purchase fresher
Coffee Comes Out Too Slowly.
See the Golden Rule, coffee may be ground too fine.
Clean the brew group as described in the cleaning instructions. (Make sure the reservoir
is full of water Brewtus III V only).