There is a large portfolio of Explore Scientific accessories available for your telescope. All Explore Scientific accessories meet
the high quality standard that has made our brand famous.
For a complete overview of available Explore Scientific accessories please refer to our homepage at
Explore Scientific eyepieces:
Our eyepieces do not only provide the mangnification you desire, but also give you a
comfortable eye distance. Our eyepieces excel in their respective price class with elaborate coatings that boost contrast, a large
apparent field of view and excellent image sharpness. Explore Scientific eyepieces will give you everything you want from
premium eyepieces. It is recommended to get a set of three or four eyepieces for different observing needs, like 9mm, 14mm,
24mm and 30 mm so that you have a optimal choice for your whole usable magnification range.
If you want to use 2“ eyepieces,
please remove the reducer that is delivered with the focuser.
Explore Scientific nebula filters with protocol
The most irritating problem in the observation of dim objects outside the solar system - besides the seeing conditions
– is the
brightening of the night sky due to artificial lights. Street lights and other lamps are brightening the naturally black sky. As a
consequence the contrast and the visibility of deep-sky objects are seriously affected. Depending on the nature of the celestial
object your can block some of the unwanted light and thus enhance the visibility of those objects in non-optimal sites.
The Explore Scientific nebula filters come with a individual test protocol
– so you can be sure to get excellent filters. The
portfolio of Explore Scientific accessories is constantly improved
– just have a look onto our homepage from time to time.
Additional useful accessories can be found a tour internet homepage at
, in the ads in most popular
astro magazines and our other webshops like
If you have any question regarding this product, please call our customer service. In case of the unlikely event that your
telescope needs service or repair at our facility, please contact our service department before sending anything back. Our
service will also give you the address of the service department and will help you with the shipment. Please provide your full
name. address and telephone number during the day so that we are able to contact you. The large majority of the service issues
can be dealt with on the phone without sending anything back to us.
Service Department:
• Postal adress:
Explore Scientific GmbH Kundendienst
Gutenbergstraße 2
DE-46414 Rhede/Westf.
• E-Mail:
[email protected]
• Telephone:
+49 (0) 28 72 - 80 74 310
• FAX:
+49 (0) 28 72 - 80 74 333