Helpful hints:
– Tumbling rocks makes a lot of noise. Because of the safety dome and the shape of the
tumbler, a lot of noise is generated downward. Placing your tumbler on a sound absorbing
material will minimize the rock tumbling sound. You should also place your tumbler in a
place in the house where the noise will be least disturbing.
– Removing barrel lid: Before putting the lid on the barrel, it is a good idea to take a
lubricant and lightly coat the inside rim of the lid. This will help tremendously when
removing the lid between operations. Holding the rim under hot water for several minutes
also will aid in removal of the lid.
– Once tumbling is started, you must continue until finished. Contents left standing in the
barrel will harden into a cement-like mass.
– It is always better to operate the rock tumbler longer if you are in doubt. It will do no
harm to the rocks. In fact, it will give them a better finish.
– Tumbling rocks of the same type together will produce the most highly polished look.