Right Side ExoSlide Assembly:
Parts Needed:
ExoSlide 20S, 1x
ExoBracket 20, 1x
Printed support bracket R, 1x
M4x18 bolt, 1x
M4x25 bolt, 2x
-Install the M4x18 bolt in first as is covered by the bracket.
Left Side ExoSlide Assembly:
Parts Needed:
ExoSlide 20S, 1x
ExoSlide 40S, 1x
ExoBracket 20, 1x
Printed support
bracket L, 1x
M4x14 bolt, 2x
M4x18 bolt, 2x
M4x30 bolt, 2x
M4x50 bolt, 2x
-Orient the slides as shown, with the 20mm ExoSlide having the ExoSlide logo facing up.