2.3 Tips to reduce the risk of accidents
In order to reduce the risk of accident the “TRAMPOLINE USER” should:
Always remain in control of their jumps and body position at all times.
• Not attempt to perform skills that are beyond their own level of competence.
• Read and understand the jump by taking off and landing in the middle of the
• Always control their jump by taking off and landing in the middle of the trampo-
• Always jump vertically and refrain from bouncing towards the springs in any
• Always consult a professionally certified trampoline instructor before attempting
anything beyond basic techniques.
In order to reduce the risk of accident the “SUPERVISOR” should:
• Fully understand and enforce all the safety rules and guidelines.
• Advise the trampoline user and provide knowledge in what they are doing right
and wrong to ensure the safety of trampoline user.
• Be aware and advise the trampoline user of all the safety warnings.
IMPORTANT: If the Trampoline can not be supervised there should be a
method for securing it and preventing anyone from using the product until
supervision is available.