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LVC hoists also have an integrated adjustable electrical limit switch that halts the lifting and lowering
operation at pre-set positions. The control signal is a 24 VAC low voltage circuit.
These electrical limit switches can be set to limit the chain travel during both lifting and lowering operations.
The factory default settings can be adjusted by a
ltering the position of the “up” and “down” cams. The limit
switches are factory calibrated in such a way as to stop the motor automatically a few links before the chain
comes to an end in both directions.
After setting the up/down selector, press the start button on the control unit to which the EXE-Rise LVC hoist
has been connected.
When the external up / down button is selected the control signal activates the contactor inside the hoists
and powers the motor, setting the chain in motion in the required direction.
The chain will continue to travel through the hoist in the chosen direction until it reaches a mechanical stop
on the chain, or until the electrical limit switch reaches its pre-set end point. Once the limit switch is activated
the hoist can only be run by reversing the direction of travel.
Any control unit used to power EXE-Rise LVC hoists must provide an "un-inverted" three phase power
supply. An incorrect sequence of phases make the hoist run in a different direction as the limit switch. This
will result in damage of the limit switches and potential over run of the chain.
Electric chain hoists are offered in a variety of designs and feature options; as well as with different safety
devices. This means that the choice of chain hoist is extremely important. Consideration must be given to
risks arising from the nature of the intended operational use and the specific operating conditions.
The selection must be based on the hazards arising from the type of use, taking into account the specific
conditions of use whilst abiding to the local laws in the country of use. We strongly advise that the
user/operator carries out a risk assessment on which the choice of your hoist shall be based.