-VoIP User Manual V1.0
Config IAX2 account password
Config IAX2 phone number
Config equipment iax2 monitor port
Config voice mail number
If the IAX2 support voice mailbox, the voice
mailbox is the letter form, the gateway is unable to input the letter, uses this
number to replace voice mail the name
Config voice mailbox name; if the IAX2 support voice mailbox, here to config
the vocie mailbox the name
Config whether supports echo. If the platform support echo, (echo number is
the text format), then the telephone config this echo test number replace
echo actual text number. This function is refers through the platform, the
terminal may carry on echo the call to test. To see the terminal to the platform
converses on the telephone whether normally;
Config echo test text
Config IAX2 refresh time
The unit of time for the second, suggested the user