System Description
ES 2070 SV
controller is designed for the monitoring and control of simplex (single exchange
column), duplex (twin exchange columns) water softener installations.
Whilst a simplex installation can not provide softened water to service when the exchange column is in
regeneration, a duplex installation is capable of providing treated water from one columns whilst the
other is being regenerated. Duplex plants can be operated either in duty/standby mode (one unit in
service, the other either in regeneration or waiting to be called into service), or in parallel mode (two units
in service except when one is regenerating). The regeneration of an exchange column is effected either
by one central control valve or by means of a pilot system controlling individual valves.
Regeneration is usually initiated after a measured volume of water has passed through the plant, this
volume is automatically calculated when the exchange capacity and the feed water hardness are
programmed into the controller. Alternatively the regeneration cycle may also be initiated either, after a
predetermined time period, or, by the operation of an external contact e.g. hardness monitoring
equipment, or, push button, or, based on the real time clock. Because, particularly with simplex plants,
there can be periods of the day when regeneration would be undesirable, e.g. periods of high demand,
the control can be programmed so that regeneration cannot take place between certain times. When this
postponed regeneration facility is in use, any initiation signal is stored and a display indicates the earliest
time at which the already initiated regeneration cycle may commence.
An external contact may be used to:
a) inhibit or abort a regeneration cycle
b) open or close the service valve.
In order to prevent microbiological degradation of the unit due to prolonged periods of non operation, the
stand-by unit of a duplex water softener installation can be regenerated immediately prior to being put
into service.
A minimum time interval between successive regeneration cycles may be set, thus allowing brine
systems to recover between regeneration’s, if necessary.
Six volt free relay contacts are available for control of valves, pumps, lamps, etc. or can be used for
remote monitoring. All these outputs are programmable for the following functions :
1. Three additional program relays :
Available before, during or after part of the regeneration cycle.
2. Flush relay :
Can be used to open a dump valve flushing the plant to drain each time a pre-set
volume of treated water has been produced.
3. Transport pump relay :
Allows control of a valve or pump during the regeneration or service.
4. Regeneration
Contact available during the regeneration cycle.
Flow pulse relay :
repeats the contact of the water meter for remote monitoring of water use.
6. Warning
Programmable warning contact.
7. Alarm
Programmable fault contact
8. Valve
Programmable output for single valve filter.