Curbs generally are formed in two manners: abrupt, vertical curbs and gradual, smooth curbs. Your scooter cannot
drive over or off of an abrupt, vertical curb. Do not attempt to do so, as this will cause serious damage to your
scooter and likely injury to yourself. Do not drive over a curb or object exceeding 4 inches in height. Your scooter
can drive over most gradual, smooth curbs. Approach such curbs head-on, so that the scooter is oriented
perpendicular to the curb. Consistently apply speed over the curb until the rear wheels of the scooter have moved
just past the curb. Do not approach the curb at an oblique angle; doing so can increase the risk that your scooter
tips over. Likewise, when moving down a curb, approach the curb perpendicular to it and not at an oblique angle.
Avoid stopping completely when going over small objects, curbs, or other obstacles and obstructions.
General Operation – Incline Control
Your scooter can handle a wide range of inclines and declines. The scooter is safe for operation on most handicap-
accessible ramps. However, do not use the scooter on inclines of a degree which makes operation of the scooter
difficult; if the scooter does not readily climb the incline, move off of the incline and/or ask for assistance. Likewise,
do not use the scooter on declines of a degree which makes operation of the scooter difficult; if the scooter moves
too quickly on an incline, fully apply the brakes, move off of the decline, and/or ask for assistance. eWheels
recommends that you only use ramps which have a roughened surface to prevent slipping. Never drive in a
transverse direction across an incline or turn sharply on an incline. Never drive in a reverse direction down an
incline. Because the capability of your scooter to climb an incline or descend a decline depends on a number of
factors, such as the scooter’s specifications, your size and weight, the quality of the surface, and your personal
setup of the scooter, eWheels does not guarantee the scooter’s safety on a specific angle of incline or decline.
However, eWheels does not recommend you use your scooter on inclines or declines greater than 10 degrees,
while making no guarantees of performance and safety on angles less than 10 degrees.
General Operation – Cornering
Always reduce your speed when making sharp turns. Always control your speed when cornering. As with any
vehicle, maneuvering a corner at a high speed increases the risk of tipping the scooter. You should maneuver at a
speed which is reasonable for the scooter, its specifications and conditions, your size and weight, your angle of
approach, the type of turn, and the surface conditions.
General Operation – Influences
Do not operate the scooter while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other medications which may impair
your ability to operate a vehicle. The scooter is heavy and can reach significant speeds, but even at low speeds it is
dangerous to operate under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other medications which may alter or impair your
coordination, reaction time, reflexes, and other capabilities.
General Operation – Ingress and Egress
Exercise care when moving onto your scooter. Ensure the scooter is braked on level ground and the switch is in the
off position. Brace yourself against a sturdy piece of furniture, or use a cane or other walking assistive equipment.
Use your upper body to assist your legs in lowering you onto the scooter seat. Move downwardly slowly. Apply
and buckle the safety belt. Sit for a few minutes before operating the scooter. Also exercise care when moving off