DTC P0A0C - Highest Cell Voltage Too High Fault
Product Family
Fault Supported
Orion BMS [Original]
(24 - 180 Cell)
Orion BMS 2
(24 - 180 Cell)
Orion JR
(16 Cell)
Immediately disconnect any battery chargers or charge controllers from
the battery pack to prevent further overcharging the batteries.
This fault code is triggered if the voltage of an individual cell (as measured by the BMS) exceeds the
programmed maximum allowed cell voltage. This fault code will only trigger after a number of samplings
over the period of 10 seconds to prevent false positives.
This fault can be caused by incorrect cell tap wiring, a loose or disconnected cell tap, a blown fuse inside
the BMS, a high resistance or loose busbar, a cell which is actually over voltage, or from internal damage
to the BMS unit due to previous wiring faults. This fault code should always be immediately investigated
as the cells are likely being over-charged.
Cells which have been over-charged or over-discharged may not be safe to
use even after bringing the voltage into a correct range. A cell which has previously been
over-charged or over-discharged at any time may develop internal damage, compromising the
safety of the cell. Always consult the cell manufacturer for advice on whether a cell can be safely
used after an over-charge or over-discharge event.
Document Revision: 1.0
Last Updated: 1/9/2018
Ewert Energy Systems, Inc
161 E. St Charles Rd. Carol Stream, IL 60188
Phone: (630) 868-3173