3. Select the tracks to be encoded. To do this, click the rectangle.
4. Click [Start Reading]. The selected tracks are then encoded.
When complete, a message will appear on the screen.
5. Click [Make a Playlist].
6. Click [Select Tracks from Database]. This will display a list of
the encoded music files.
7. Select the tracks to be copied to the EV-256MPN.
To do this, click the rectangle and confirm the procedure.
8. Click [Copy to Devices].
9. Select the storage media in the right window, click [Internal]
(internal memory), [External 1] (memory card 1), [External 2]
(memory card 2).
10. Click [Copy to portable]. The selected music tracks are then
copied. When the copy procedure is complete, a message will
appear on the screen.
11. Click [OK] and disconnect your EV-256MPN Player from the