Trouble shooting
Problem Solution
My K1 stays on the surface of the water
and will not sink:
The K1 when brand new traps air and
floats. When it has come into contact with
pond water, it gets a slimy coating which
prevents air bubbles getting caught inside.
Pushing it under the water continuously for
a short period of time will help
The K1 doesn’t move well during the
cleaning cycle
The air pump is either not powerful enough
or there isn’t enough water in the Pod –
check that you used the cleaning pipe to
maintain the level on a pump fed system.
Check all air fittings and line for leaks.
Make sure you haven’t inadvertently
added more K1 than the 30 litres
The pond gets dirty after cleaning
Check that you turned your circulating
pump off and that you have used the
cleaning pipe, so that the dirt in the K1
hasn’t returned to the pond.
Too much maintenance, poor clarity, or
Pod overflowing
Make sure that you haven’t exceeded the
maximum flow rate
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Aqua-Mania - www.aqua-mania.org - [email protected] - +34 609934211