User Manual Rev 1.0
EVoInnovate EVSE User Manual & Installation Guide
Adjustable Maximum Current Output to Support Multiple Circuit Ratings
The EVoInnovate charging station product features the ability to adjust the maximum Charging Station current output to
allow the use of a 40A (or greater), 30A, or 20A Dedicated Circuit as follows:
40A (or greater) Circuit Rating:
To support 32A (7.68 kW) maximum Charging Station output
30A Circuit Rating:
To support 24A (5.76 kW) maximum Charging Station output
20A Circuit Rating:
To support 16A (3.84 kW) maximum Charging Station output
Notes on Circuit Requirements and Amperage settings:
The Charging Station Default Factory Maximum Current Output Setting is 32A (7.68 kW) for use with a 40A (or
greater) Circuit Rating
Please refer to Adjusting Maximum Current Output on page 9 when using a 30A or 20A
Circuit Rating.
To obtain the fastest charging capability of 32A, a 40A (or greater) Circuit Rating must be used.
The Circuit must be a DEDICATED CIRCUIT 208-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, Single Phase
Per National Electric Code (NEC), only 80% of the circuit rated load may be utilized, hence the higher Circuit
Ratings Requirement relative to maximum Charging Station output)
The ability to utilize alternate circuit ratings can be beneficial in the instance the location of installation cannot support a
40A or greater circuit, or in instance where an existing 30A or 20A dedicated circuit is already installed.
Security and Tamper Feature
In addition to the lock screw that secures the EVoInnovate charging station to the wall mount bracket (Refer to Section
2.3, Note 3., Installing the Charging Station), if desired, a feature is included as part of the charging station and wall
mount bracket to install a small padlock for added security and tamper benefits. This feature is located at the bottom of
the charging station near the charging station
wall bracket lock screw.
Self-Monitoring and Recovery | Power Outage Recovery
When a charging session is interrupted due to a temporary error condition, the charging station will automatically
restart charging when the cause of the temporary error condition returns to normal. The status indicator lights remain
flashing RED until the error condition is resolved.
Temporary error conditions include: Over Current, Over Voltage, Under Voltage, and Over Temperature.
For Over Current (OC) conditions: The charging session will be stop while OC occurs. After recovery from OC for 30
seconds, the charging station will automatically restart charging for three times.
When charging session stopped due to CCID trip, the charging station will try to restart after 15 minutes for 3 times.
When power resumes after an outage, the charging station restarts automatically with a delay ranging from 120 to 720
seconds. The delay is designed to avoid impacting the utility grid when multiple charging stations are in the same area
attempting to resume charging simultaneously.