Electric Cooktop in Ventless Recirculating
Ventilation System
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Evo America, LLC 20360 SW Avery Ct., Tualatin, OR 97062
Ph 503-626-1802 • Fax 503-213-5869 •evoamerica.com • [email protected]
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© Evo America, LLC 2021
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Positioning the Unit – Clearance
• Evo EVent
arrives palletized & strapped in a heavy corrugated shipping carton.
Once unpacked, it is important to have adequate clearance to move and position
the unit in place. Allow minimum of 42” (1066.8mm) opening into the space or
building to place unit inside. If not possible, unit can be rigged, lifted off its casters
and rolled to its back side (Guest Side, see page 2). All loose components and
large access panels removed to allow for smaller door clearances.
• If EVent
is installed into a cart or cabinet, the chef’s side (touchscreen control,
pull station, inlet aperture) should be facing out, accessible to cooking staff and
Electrical Outlet & Fire Alarm Placement Clearances
• Unit is equipped with factory installed cord and plug. If
nal electrical connection
is located on
oor, the receptacle needs to be
ush with the
nish to
allow unit to roll easily over plug. If unit is hard wired,
exible conduit with adequate
length will need to be installed to allow for housekeeping.
• If building
re alarm is required, the above considerations apply.
Sneeze Guard Installation
• Allow a minimum 1” (25.4mm) air space from counter to bottom of glass for
creation of an “air curtain”. 4” (101.6mm) additional clearance from wall to unit if
guest side is installed against wall.
Ventilation Considerations
• The HVAC system plays a large part in the ef
ciency of the Evo EVent
unit. The
HVAC system should be designed to allow adequate cooling load for the dining
space, while minimizing the velocity of air exiting the diffusers.
• If velocity is unavoidable, diffusers should to be positioned to direct air away from
the Evo EVent
cooking surface. Air blowing across the cooking surface will inhibit
the designed capture of smoke and grease laden vapor.
• A range between 70 to 140 cubic feet of fresh air per minute is recommended both
in and out of cooking area to ensure the dilution of cooking aromas. Dedicated
Make-up Air unit not required. Please consult your HVAC contractor.
Acoustic Considerations – Dining Space
• Although Evo EVent
with its integrated ventilation system brings customers closer
to the cooking experience by eliminating the need for noisy ventilation hoods,
certain surfaces can re
ect, rather than absorb ambient noise. If hard surface
nishes (i.e. stone, glass) are used throughout the space, softer surfaces may need
to be introduced to absorb re
ecting sounds and noise.
Model #: 10-0148-EVT