Rev 12.03.2021
Sensor probe handling
The sensor probes of all types are equipped with a hydrophobic microporous PTFE filter to
protect the sensor from dust, dirt, and water drops. The filter should be replaced if it gets
strongly contaminated. To replace the PTFE filter, unscrew the sensor head cap and
remove the old filter. Place a new filter into the cap and tighten it again.
NOTE! Never stab or press the filter near its center where the sensor is located since this
may damage the sensor. Do not remove the filter as it may cause the device to show
incorrect values and/or break the sensor.
The recommended orientation of the sensor probe is vertical with the sensor tip pointing
downwards. This prevents the possible accumulation of condensed water on the sensor
protection filter.
Gas sensor replacement procedures
Remove the sensor head cap from the device,
Remove the PTFE filter (if it is not removed within the cap),
Remove the O-ring rubber,
Detach the electrochemical sensor from the device,
Insert the new electrochemical sensor inside,
Put back the O-ring rubber, PTFE filter, and the head cap, respectively.