GPS/GPRS/GSM vehicle tracking system
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panel near the windscreen wipers or on the inner panel near the hinge of the hood. The lead from this antenna needs to go through the fire wall and screw
to the device firmly by hand only (Do NOT use a spanner or similar device).
Inputs and outputs cable connections must be firm and reliable. The unused electrical wire
should be probably insulated.
2.3.4 Connect the 12pin cable to EV604.
Input power: 6-30VDC (With polarity protection – The system won’t be damaged by wrong
polarity input but it won’t work)
The device should be installed in a position where it cannot be detected. A suitable position is
to mount the device around the steering column under the dashboard secured by two cable ties.
Wherever you locate the device it should be kept dry, away from excess heat and subject to
minimum vibration.
3 Usages
3.1 GPS information.
The “
” means: DATE: 08-09-26(YY/MM/DD); TIME: 15:33:26(HH/MM/SS); LAT: 22.21326446N; LOT: 113.45199584E; Speed: 000.0