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On the next window, we will select the drives for our RAID. RAID1 requires
exactly two (2) drives. Click the boxes for the two drives you wish to use in the
array. There are other choices you can make on this page:
You may either keep data on one of the drives and clone it to the other,
or wipe both drives to start fresh. Regardless, you will not be able to
keep the data on both drives. Make sure to back-up any sensitive data
prior to beginning this process.
You may lower the capacity used to create the array from the entire
drive to a reduced size, if you wish. However, it is recommended to
leave the array at 100%, which is the default.
You may “Initialize Volume,” which will occur after the array is
created. The array must be initialized before Windows can partition the
drive. If the array is not initialized now, it may be initialized later in
“Disk Management.” See Page 78 for Disk Management instructions.
Once you’ve made your choices, click “Next”.