muscle stimulator in the circumstances to quickly break the spasm.
Use a quick pulse rate, wide pulse duration and set the intensity to
visible contraction (still within patient tolerance). Twenty or thirty
minutes of such a tetanized muscular contraction will generally
break the spasm. In all cases, if the patient complains that the stim-
ulation is uncomfortable, reduce intensity and/or cease stimulation.
The onset of pain relief should occur shortly after the intensity set-
ting has been determined. However, in some cases, pain relief may
take as long as 30 minutes to achieve, especially when using point
electrode placements and slow pulse rates.
TENS units are typically operated for long periods of time, with a
minimum of 20 ~ 30 minutes and in some post-operation protocols,
as long as 36 hours.
In general, pain relief will diminish within 30 minutes of the ces-
sation of stimulation. Pain relief obtained through point electrode
placements may last longer (perhaps because of the presence of
The contraction time and relaxation time of EMS is adjustable.
Stimulation will continue at the setting contraction time and cease
also at the setting relaxation time. Then the cycle starts over again
– Stimulation, Contraction and Relaxation.
In order to achieve a comfortable exercise and avoid startle be-
cause of electrical shock, each contraction course may be ramped
so that the signal comes on gradually and smoothly. The intensity of
electrical current will reach the setting level within the Ramp time,
however, it can not reach the expected level if the contraction time
is less than the ramp time.
The output of both channels are adjustable. It can be in the pat-
tern of synchronous or alternate. Stimulation of both channels will
occur at the same time when simultaneous pattern is selected. At
alternating mode, the stimulation of the CH2 will occur after the 1st
contraction of CH1 is finished.
The wires provided with the system insert into the jack sockets
located on top of the device. Holding the insulated portion of the
connector, push the plug end of the wire into one of the jacks (see
drawing); one or two sets of wires may be used.
After connecting the wires to the stimulator, attach each wire to an
electrode. Use care when you plug and unplug the wires. Jerking
the wire instead of holding the insulated connector body may cause
wire breakage.
Do not insert the plug of the patient lead wire into any AC power
supply socket.