HD/SD MPEG-2 and H.264 Decoder
Page - 46
Revision 1.0
Figure 5-12: : WebEASY
– SFP Transmit Control Tab
SFP Transmit Control
SFP Transmit Output:
This parameter allows the user to set the mode of the SFP transmit feature,
to enable or disable transmitting on a specific output.
SFP Output IP Address:
This parameter allows the user to set the output IP address of the SFP
transmit stream if SFP Transmit is enabled.
SFP Output IP Port:
This parameter allows the user to set the output IP port number of the SFP
transmit stream if SFP Transmit is enabled.
PID Filter:
This parameter allows the user to enable PID filtering for the SFP transmit output stream.
Remove NULL Packets:
This parameter allows the user to enable the removal of NULL packets in
the SFP transmit stream.
Packet Rate Control:
This parameter allows the user to enable the packet rate control in the SFP
transmit stream.
Packet Bitrate:
This parameter displays the packet bitrate of data in the SFP transmit stream in
BNC <3,4> Output:
This parameter allows the user to select the BNC <3,4> output type.