3. Z-Wave’s Configuration
Function Size
Value Unit Default
1 True
0: Disable
2 Send
Command to
Group 2
1 0,1
0 0:Disable
3 Meter
Period (W)
2 0-3240
10s 3
4 Meter
Period (kWh)
2 0-10080
(1 week)
1min 1440 1*1440=1440min
3-1 The true period:
If the setting is configured for 1 second, pressing On or Off button alternately
within 1 second will not send out RF command. After 1 second has elapsed, it
will examine if current On/Off state is the same as the initial 1 second. If the
same, no RF command will be sent, whereas if it is different, RF command will be
sent to update the status. The maximum interval is 12 second
3-2 Send basic command to grouping 2:
If the setting is configured for 0, whenever pressing On/Off button manually on the
Module or receiving basic_set command from the Z-Wave Controller, the Module
will not send command to other devices of Grouping 2 for On or Off operation;
whereas if the setting is configured for 1, the Module will send command to other
devices of Grouping 2 for On or Off operation.
3-3 Meter Report Period (W):
If the setting is configured for 30 seconds, the Module will report its instant power
load (W) every 30 seconds to Z-Wave Controller. The maximum interval to
report its instant power consumption is 9 hours (10s*3240/3600=9hr).
3-4 Meter Report Period (kWh):
If the setting is configured for 1440 minutes (24Hr), the Module will report its
instant power load (kWh) every 24 hours to Z-Wave Controller. The maximum
interval to report its instant power consumption is 1 week (1min*10080/60=168hr
=1 week).
4. Meter Command Class
The Module will report its instant or accumulated power consumption to Z-Wave
Controller. If the calculation of accumulated power consumption is needed, the
Z-Wave Controller needs to be sent Meter Reset Command to the Module,
enabling to reset to zero.
4-1 Instant Power Consumption of Module
When receiving Meter Get Command, it will report Meter Report Command to
the node of Grouping 1.
Meter Get Command:
[Command Class Meter, Meter Get, Scale =0x02(W)]
Meter Report Command:
[Command Class Meter
Meter Report
Type+Meter Type
PrScale+ Size
Meter Value 1
Meter Value 2]
Rate Type = 0x01
Meter Type = 0x01
Precision = 0
Scale = 0x02(W)
Size = 2 Bytes (Meter Value)
Meter Value 1 = High Byte (W)
Meter Value 2 = Low Byte (W)
Meter Value 1 = 0x01(W)
Meter Value 2 = 0xF4(W)
Meter (W) = Meter Value 1*256 + Meter Value 2
= (1x1)x256 + [(15x16)+(4x1)] = 500(W)
4-2 Accumulated Power Consumption (KW/h)
When receiving Meter Get Command, it will report Meter Report Command to
the node of grouping 1.
Meter Get Command:
[Command Class Meter, Meter Get, Scale = 0x00
Meter Report Command:
[Command Class Meter
Meter Report
Rate Type + Meter Type
Pr Scale + Size
Meter Value 1
Meter Value 2
Meter Value
Meter Value 4]