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using the lapel and
wireless microphones
1. plug charging cube & cable into outlet
Plug the combined charging cube and dual charging cable into any
standard outlet.
2. plug micro-USB into wireless microphone
Locate the port on the side of the wireless microphone headset with
the on switch and plug one of the Micro-USB cables in it.
3. plug micro-USB into microphone receiver
Locate the port on the side of the wireless microphone receiver with
the on switch and plug one of the Micro-USB cables in it.
4. plug microphone receiver into transmitter
Locate the port labeled “Mic In Only” on the transmitter. Connect the
lapel microphone or wireless microphone receiver to the port.
Did you know? With Eversound, you can play music and broadcast your voice
simultaneously for guided exercise programs, music therapy applications, and more!
setting up