EverMore Technology Inc.
2F, No.7, R&D Road 1, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 300, R.O.C.
As soon as GPS signal is acquired and tracked, the EB-X315 will transmit valid navigation
information through its serial interface. The default serial port is COM1, however, user task can
redirect this port to Virtual port (VCOM) from which user task can get access the navigation
data. The navigation data contains following information:
Receiver position in latitude, longitude, and altitude
Receiver velocity
DOP error-magnification factor
GPS signal tracking status
The EB-X315 will perform 3D navigation when four or more satellites are tracked. When three
or fewer satellites are tracked, altitude-hold is enabled using the last computed altitude and 2D
navigation mode is entered.
With signal blockage or rising and setting of the satellites, where a change in satellite
constellation used for position fix occurred, large position error may result. The EB-X315
incorporates a proprietary algorithm to compensate the effect of satellite constellation change,
and maintains an accurate smooth estimate of the receiver’s position, velocity, and heading.