The device with the highest priority becomes the STP root device. However, if all devices have
the same priority, the device with the lowest MAC address will then become the root device.
Number between 0 - 61440 in increments of 4096. Therefore, there are 16 distinct values.
Hello Time: Interval (in seconds) at which the root device transmits a configuration message
(BPDU frame). Number between 1-10 (default is 2).
Max Age – The maximum time (in seconds) a device can wait without receiving a configuration
message before attempting to reconfigure. That also means the maximum life time for a BPDU
frame. Number between 6-40 (default is 20).
Forward Delay: The maximum time (in seconds) the root device will wait before changing states
(i.e., discarding to learning to forwarding). Number between 4 – 30 (default is 15).
Force Version: Set and show the RSTP protocol to use. Normal - use RSTP, Compatible -
compatible with STP.
RSTP Port Configuration
Port: The port ID. It cannot be changed. Aggregations mean any configured trunk group.
Enabled: Click on the tick-box to enable/disable the RSTP protocol for the port.
Edge: Expect the port to be an edge port (linking to an end station) or a link to another STP
Path Cost: This parameter is used by the STP to determine the best path between devices.
Therefore, lower values should be assigned to ports attached to faster media, and higher values
assigned to ports with slower media. Set the RSTP pathcost on the port. Number between 0 -
200000000. 0 means auto generated pathcost.