To turn the heater off (this does NOT stop the flow of electricity into the appliance), turn the Function Select
Switch to the top or the bottom (OFF).
The Fan Only function (one step clockwise from either off position) will allow the fan to run without heating the
air going through the heater. Use this function with the thermostat set high.
The next step clockwise from the Fan Only function is the Low Heat function (LOW-750W). This will allow the
heater to run at a reduced power. This would normally be used when the ambient temperature is close to the
required temperature, or when the room is very small.
The last function (one more position clockwise) is the High heat function (HIGH-1500W). This will allow the
heater to run at full power. This would normally be used when the ambient temperature is far below the required
temperature or when the room is larger.
Each function is doubled up. On the right hand side of the switch, the functions also activate the oscillation
function. To have the heater oscillating with any function, use the switch positions on the right. To run the heater
without it oscillating, use the switch positions on the left of the switch.
The Thermostat Control knob is used to adjust the temperature at which the heater runs. Adjust the knob
clockwise to increase the temperature, and anti-clockwise to decrease the temperature. While the heating
elements are running (or the fan is running), the indicator will be lit. If the heater reaches the set temperature
and they turn off, the indicator will turn off as well.
For greater economy, use the High Heat setting initially and then turn down to the Low Heat setting when the
required temperature is reached. Please note that the fan speed remains the same when changing heat setting;
only the heating elements are adjusted. Note: The thermostat control should be at a higher temperature than the
room temperature, otherwise the elements and fan will not work.
To turn the heater off, turn the power control knob to “off”.
The Thermostat Control knob is used to control the room temperature. It acts as an on/off switch for the heating
elements and does not vary the heat from the elements. To set the temperature:
Turn the Thermostat Control knob fully clockwise until the maximum temperature setting is reached and run the
Once the desired room temperature has been reached, very slowly turn the Thermostat Control knob
anti-clockwise until there is an auditable click. The thermostat has turned off and the elements will stop
producing heat. Turn it clockwise slightly until the click is heard again.
The heater elements and fan will now turn off and on automatically, maintaining the room temperature you
have set. To increase or reduce this temperature, the thermostat control should be adjusted accordingly.