part 2
Instant Flanger Mk II
The Instant Flanger
Originally released in 1976, the Eventide Clockworks Instant Flanger was designed to
emulate true tape flanging. As its time-delay circuit, using the now ubiquitous ”bucket
brigade chips”, produced many more nulls and offered a much deeper flanging ef-
fect than anything previously available, it was widely used on many legendary record-
Originally, flanging was produced by mixing the output of two tape recorders, one of
which was running at a slower speed than the other. Since the head-to-head distance is
fixed, the transit time of the tape from the record head to the play head determines the
path delay. We now consider flanging to be the effect of mixing a delayed signal with
the original, regardless of the method used to create that delay.
The mixing of the delayed signal with the original produces nulls in the output spectrum.
Assume that a signal delayed by one millisecond is added to the original. Since one
millisecond is the period of a 1KHz signal, an input to the system of 1KHz will add in-
phase. On the other hand, a 500Hz input would have a 180 degree phase shift at a
delay of 1 millisecond and thus would completely cancel. Slightly less obvious is the
fact that all signals at odd multiples of 500Hz will undergo the same cancellation, since,
for instance, the phase shift of 1500Hz is 360+180 degrees at a 1 millisecond delay.
Flanging thus produces many nulls that are harmonically related to one another. Longer
delay times will produce more nulls than shorter delay times.
Not Just Another Flanger
The Eventide Clockworks Instant Flanger, and therefore the plug-in, had some features
that make it unique when compared to other flangers. These will be described in detail
below, with a full control description in the following section.
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