Harmonized Instruments
Many instruments have a Harmonization function that
plays extra harmony notes at intervals you can set. This
is usually controlled by a knob labelled “Chord” in the In-
strument panel.
We have made this work with Gtak6 so that when you
slide and bend, generated harmony notes are shifted by
the same amount as the note that generated them.
Arpeggiator Instruments
We have not modified the Arpeggiator script because it
got too confusing! However we have set all the instru-
ments that use the script to have pitchbend quantized,
and triggering new notes. This means that bends will not
be smooth, but slides and hammer ons/pull offs will work
as expected.
If you change the pitchbend settings on in-
struments that use the arpeggiator script
strange things will happen!
Instruments that feature the arpeggiator are in the
Synth/7 - Arpeggiator
There are also instruments that have a polyphonic se-
quencer which we have set up in the same way. These are
in the
Synth/8 - Sequencer
The Gtak6 versions of these instruments have a Perfor-
mance View for the Arpeggiator or Sequencer to make
controlling them easier:
Micro Tuned Instruments
All the instruments in the
collection (except per-
cussion) have a
panel where you can set up a tun-
ing offset for each note in the scale. This gives added re-
alism for instruments that are not tuned to an equal tem-
perament scale (the standard in modern western music).
So, for instance, if you play a Db you will hear the Db with
micro tuning applied. In the default settings of many of
these instruments the Db will be lower than an equal tem-
pered Db.
It is very important to set the
in the
panel to match your song, otherwise the
instrument will just sound badly tuned!
However, there is a problem. If you play a C and then
hammer on to a Db you will hear the micro tuned C raised
by an equal tempered semitone - which is not the same
You can get around this by setting pitchbend to trigger a
new note, but then bends will not sound smooth.
We could not think of a way to get bends and hammer ons
to work correctly at the same time, so we chose to make
bends correct. If you would prefer hammer ons to give
correct micro tuned notes then set pitchbend to trigger
new notes in the Gtak6 panel.
Legacy VSL Instruments
Kontakt6 contains about 200 Legacy VSL Instruments.
Most of these have not been converted to work with Gtak6
because they were replaced by better versions when Kon-
takt6 was released.
Getting the most from Kontakt
If you cannot get quite the sound you want, first try click-
ing on the
panel. This contains the most
important instrument parameters.
For more extensive editing, click the wrench icon to re-
veal the instrument editor. You can change almost any-
thing there, from source samples and filters and modula-
tors through to insert and master effects.