Getting To Know Your New Z-Wave Device
Must not exceed 600 watts (Incandescent): 1200W (10A) Resistive or ½ HP
Motor. Total load capacity for both outlets is 1200W (10A) Resistive.
• One Z-Wave controlled AC outlet for standard incandescent lighting, CFL/LED, fans or small appliances
• Remote ON/OFF control via the Z-Wave controller
• Manual ON/OFF control with the front panel push button
• Space efficient design
• Does not block the lower outlet when plugged into the upper outlet of a duplex wall receptacle
(This assumes that the duplex receptacle is mounted with the ground pin down).
• Plugs and cords for connected devices route to the side allowing close placement of furniture
• Grounded 3-wire power connection for safety
A. Manual/Program button
Single press — turn the lamp On/Off
Single press — include or exclude in Z-Wave network
B. Z-Wave controlled outlet
This outlet can remotely turn On/Off the connected device
1. Plug the light you want to control into the Z-Wave Smart plug controlled outlet
on the wireless switch as indicated by Z-Wave logo
NOTE: Plug directly into outlet, do not use with extension cords
2. Plug the Z-Wave smart plug directly into an available
grounded outlet (Top outlet recommend if possible).
Reset Plug to factory default:
Use controller to remove device from network will reset it to factory default
Adding device to e network:
1. Follow the instructions for your Z-Wave certified controller to include a device to
the Z-Wave network.
2. Once the controller is ready to include your device, quick triple press the button to
include it in the network.
3. Once your controller has confirmed that the device has been included, refresh
the Z-Wave network to optimize performance.
4. The device is associated in the same group when it included in setting process.
Now you can control your Z-Wave device according to groups, scenes, schedules
and automation programmed. If your controller features remote access,
you can now control all devices in Z-Wave network from mobile devices.
To exclude the device
1. Follow the instructions for your Z-Wave certified controller to exclude a device
from the Z-Wave network.
2. Once the controller is ready to Exclude your device, quick triple press the button
to exclude it from the network.
I. The association group supports five nodes and lifeline function.
II.All non-battery nodes within Z-Wave network will act as repeater.
III.Use this procedure only in the event that the network primary controller is
missing or otherwise inoperable.
Note: Your device may need to be within 10 feet of the controller to be included. If so, include the device to the network within 10 feet
of the controller and relocate it to the desired position in your home. Besure to refresh the network if the device is included in this manner.
Please reference the controller/gateway’s manual for instructions.
Now you have complete control to turn your lamp ON/OFF according to groups, scenes, schedules and interactive automations programmed
by your controller.If your Z-Wave certified controller features Remote Access,you can now control your lighting from your mobile phone devices.