/ &21),*85$7,21
90( *DWHZD\
NOTE. The input and output channels must be numbered sequentially
starting at 1. ConfigEd will number the entries correctly but if the
user edits the configuration (by adding or deleting entries in the
handler) the numbers may get out of sequence. Figure 5 shows the
Input Handler with correct sequencing and the Output Handler with
incorrect sequencing.
The configuration increments a 16 bit unsigned word (ordinal type), and writes it to
word 2 ($19C) and sets Flag $294.2. It is incremented every 100 ms, hence the
L5211 initiates a write cycle approximately every 100 ms, depending on how often
the VME accesses the memory. The ordinal word starts at zero upon L5211
initialization, and rolls over at 32,767.
The VME may set the counter to a specific value at any time by writing word 1
($06E) and setting Flag $270.1. It may also write word 0 ($06C and set Flag $270.0).
The L5211 will echo the value by writing word 0 ($198) and setting Flag $294.0, and
will also take the value, compute 33.333% of it, and write it to word 1 ($19A) and set
Flag $294.1.
Using this configuration, the programmer may test software that waits for an event to
occur (counter incremented), or may initiate a transfer and see specific, quantifiable
results immediately (setting the counter, or looking for the value written to be echoed
and a math function to be accomplished).