00068811.DOC, Version 1.0
The master/slave-operation enables that several devices can be synchronized and controlled by one master-
On the rear of the LED THA-50F COB 3200K theater spot you can find an XLR-jack (DMX Out) and an XLR-
plug (DMX In), which can be used for connecting several devices.
Choose the device which is to control the spotlights. Set the desired Master-mode on the master-device.
This device then works as master-device and controls all other slave-devices, which are to be connected to
the master-device via a balanced microphone lead. Connect the DMX out connectors with the DMX input
plug of the next device.
Set the Slave-mode on every slave-device.
DMX-controlled operation
The device has 2 DMX channel modes. The Control Board allows you, as described above, to assign the
You can control the devices individually via your DMX-controller. Every DMX-channel has a different
occupation with different features.
The Control Board allows you to assign the DMX fixture address, which is defined as the first channel from
which the LED THA-50F COB 3200K theater spot will respond to the controller.
Please, be sure that you don’t have any overlapping channels in order to control each LED THA-50F COB
3200K theater spot correctly and independently from any other fixture on the DMX-chain. If several LED
THA-50F COB 3200K theater spot are addressed similarly, they will work synchronically.
If you set, for example, the address to channel 4, the device will use the channel 4 to 6 for control.
After having addressed the LED THA-50F COB 3200K theater spot, you may now start operating it via your
lighting controller.
It’s necessary to insert the XLR termination plug (with 120 Ohm) in the last lighting in the link in order
to ensure proper transmission on the DMX data link.
DMX mode:
Press the MODE button until the display shows DMX MODE.
Press the ENTER button. You can select the desired DMX
address via the UP or DOWN buttons. Confirm your choice by
pressing ENTER.
3 channel mode (default setting)
Control-channel 1 - Dimmer
Decimal Hexad. Percentage
0 255
00 FF
0% 100%
Gradual adjustment of the dimmer intensity from 0 to 100 %
Control-channel 2 - Strobe
Decimal Hexad. Percentage
0 0
00 00
0% 0%
No function
1 255
01 FF
0% 100%
Strobe-effect with increasing speed