Distributors (H.B.S) Ltd. June 2009
E & OE Instructions Part Number IN1123 Ed.G
Euroheat and Nestor Martin have a policy of continual research and development and reserve the right to modify its appliances
without prior notice. We make every effort to ensure that the information provided in this document is correct and accurate at the
time of printing. Continued updates occur to adapt documents to customer requirements and appliance changes. For the latest
editions of all Euroheat documentation visit our web site www.euroheat.co.uk.
We would request that you inform Euroheat of information which you feel is not provided in this document which would assist
other users in the future.
The Euroheat Technical Team
Questions & Answers
Q. Can I run the stove with the door open?
A. No, the stove has been certified as a closed appliance. Operating the stove with the door open may damage
the stove, be a fire hazard and cause dangerous gasses to be released into the room.
Q. Can I leave the pilot light on during the heating season?
A. This is permissable and can be very beneficial. It can prolong the life of the thermocouple and the very
small amount of heat generated will help maintain a chimney draught.
Q. The pilot flame lights but when I remove the pressure from the on/off control the pilot flame goes out?
A. First ensure that the ON/OFF control has been held in for 30 seconds, if it has, the most likely cause of this
is that the thermocouple has failed and will need to be replaced by a suitably qualified Gas Safe engineer.
Q. How often should the stove be serviced?
A. This should be done once a year by a Gas Safe qualified engineer, for not only the efficient running of the
stove, but also for the safety of the occupants of the property.
Q. Where can I purchase spare parts for my stove?
A. These can be obtained from the company who supplied you with the stove or directly from the Euroheat
web site www.euroheat.co.uk
Q. When heating up, the stove makes a loud noise is this normal?
A. This is called fulmination. Most stoves will make a “ticking” sound when heating up and cooling down. In
a few cases this normal ticking will be replaced by a number of loud bangs. This is due to differing rates of
expansion of the body of the stove when heating and cooling and has no practical significance for the function
of the stove and does not constitute a safety risk or a fault in the construction of the stove.
Q. The stove keeps going out for no apparent reason?
A. Contact your suitably qualified Gas Safe engineer, as it may be that one of the stoves safety devices is
shutting the stove off for safety reasons.
Q. I would like to have the remote control option fitted after the stove has been installed, is that possible?
A. Yes, the thermostatic remote control can be fitted at a later date. Contact your local supplier who will be
able to supply and install this for you.
Q. What are the benefits of fitting the thermostatic remote control option?
A. The remote control allows for easier manual operation of the stove, as the output can be altered from the
comfort of your chair manually using the hand set. Or it can be set to adjust the heat output from the stove
to maintain the rooms temperature, using a thermostat within the hand set, so only using the minimum
amount of gas to heat the room.