Instructions Part Number IN1116 Ed D8
Simple Maintenance
The stove must be cleaned of ash and any tarring as often as your use of the stove and fuel dictate. All deposits
on the stove interior will insulate the stove body from the fire and will reduce the stove’s efficiency. Flue ways
which become choked will not only reduce the stoves performance but can become a serious health risk if the
flue is not taking away all the products of combustion. Do not use a vacuum cleaner unless it is fitted with an
additional hot ash filter bin.
Door Adjustments
It is very important for the correct operation of the stove that both the furnace
door (glass door) and ash pit doors are air tight when closed.
Furnace door adjustment
(front door)
To adjust the furnace door handle
latch, loosen the locking nut and
adjust the bolt as required. Retighten the locking nut. The adjustment
should be made so that when the handle is in its closed position the
door is air tight.
Lower Door Adjustment
The door can be adjusted by loosening the nut securing the eccentric
latch pin and screwing the pin in or out to adjust the horizontal and
vertical closing position.
Top Flue Outlet Baffle
Stoves with a top flue outlet may have an additional stainless steel baffle vane. This should be removed at least
once during the heating season to remove any soot or ash that may have accumulated on it. This can be removed
by pulling the tab at the front towards the front of the stove so removing the baffle from its locating rails, so
giving access to the flue way. See the installation instructions on how to remove the baffle plate in more detail.
Summer Shutdown
At the end of each heating season the entire installation including the firebox and its cast iron plates should be
thoroughly cleaned and examined for soundness; this should include having the flue examined by a registered
sweep. The stove interior should be treated with a moisture repellent such as WD40 and all operating mechanisms
and handle components lubricated with a suitable oil, or again with WD40.
Faulty Operation
Always seek the advice of a qualified engineer if your stove is not operating correctly. Never use the stove with
any damaged or malfunctioning components.