| E C O F E N C I N G I N S T A L L A T I O N G U I D E
Materials should be covered and kept dry until ready to install to
ensure a clean surface. Products should not be stored outside
and or covered with plastic sheeting.
All composite products should be stored supported above the
ground at 500mm intervals on a flat clean surface. Supporting
battens used in storage should align through the stack to equally
transfer the load.
encing panels must be stacked on top of each other.
Where multiple pallets are delivered these should not be stacked
higher than 3m per stack.
Eurocell will not be held responsible for issues that arise from
poor storage or handling.
Watermarks may appear on panels, this will fade with time and
add a weathered look to the board.
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) should be worn at all times
(COSHH Assessment summary available). When cutting and
installing boards it is advised to wear gloves, protective eye wear,
a dust mask, long sleeves and trousers.
Dry and windy environments may result in a naturally occurring
static build-up in composite products. The level of static build up
will not cause personal injury.
Standard tools can be used to install our composite fencing.
When using a chop saw we would recommend a 60T+
Multipurpose Aluminium blade for maximum efficiency and
neatness on cuts.
Plan a layout for your fencing before starting to ensure the best
looking layout is achieved.
Fencing boards should be lifted and set down with care to avoid
damage. Do not slide boards over one another.
Fencing boards should be carried in the middle and on their edge
for best support when moving.
Avoid sliding or dragging any equipment across the board
surface to avoid tarnishing the surface.
The surface of the fencing boards should be kept free of
construction debris and material to prevent damage to
the boards.
Whilst our composite materials are highly durable we do recommended you follow the below guidelines for storage, handling and installation,
to ensure products are kept in the best possible condition.
Prior to installing any composite system we recommended that you consult local building regulations for any special requirements or
restrictions that may apply. The illustrations and accompanying instructions in this guide are for illustrative purposes to provide a typical
installation scenario, and do not replace the advice of a licensed professional in the field.
As with all sites, surfaces should be kept clean and tidy for the best installation outcome.