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BlueSoft Household Water Softener
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needs regenerating. During the regeneration, the calcium and magnesium ions on
the active groups are exchanged into natrium ions. Due to the different affinitiy, this
process comes about only if there are quite a lot of spare natrium. In practice, during
the regeneration we have a NaCl solution of 10 per cent flow through the ion-
exchanging resin.
The natrium of the solution gets connected to the active groups of the resin and the
calcium and magnesium which get connected to the chloride ion go into the canal
with the rinsing water.
Apart from the calcium and magnesium, there are several other elements in the
water. In case there is a high content of iron or manganese, the ion exchanging resin
can get damaged partly reversibly and partly irreversibly.
For operating it safely, the device must be operated only by drinking water quality
water as described in the introduction.
In case the water quality is worse than
that, pre-filtration and iron removal must be applied.
Structure of the water softening device:
For space-saving, cleaning and management reasons, all the main elements of the
device have been placed into the plastic cabinet. It contains the water softening
resin, the pillar which holds the resin and is resistant to pression, the unit that soaks
up the salt and the control valve block. Compared to the ordinary industrial devices,
the look of the device is esthetic and easy to be cleaned thanks to its designed
Control valve
Cover of the brine tank
Brine tank