5 Setup of Eupry Differential Pressure Sensor
Connecting to your Eupry Data Logger
Connect the Eupry Differential Pressure Sensor to the socket on the top face of a Data Logger. Make sure that the connector
is firmly pressed all the way in until you hear a clicking sound or feel a haptic feedback.
6 Product Identification
All Eupry Differential Pressure Sensor have two forms of identification:
Unique serial number
A unique serial number of the Differential Pressure Sensor is written as text on the label of the sensor and can be used to
identify the unit in Eupry’s system.
Unique GRAI code datamatrix
A unique GRAI code identification, which also includes the serial number of the Eupry Differential Pressure Sensor, is placed
on the label as a data matrix.
The entire GRAI code (GS1 standard) uniquely identifies the sensor internationally and can be used with GRAI compliant
7 Cleaning guide
When cleaning the sensor, it is very important not to spray any cleaning soap or alcohol inside the two flow channels.
Please only clean the sensor by spraying on a cloth and wipe the sensor.
User Guide: Differential Pressure Sensor, P4P
Rev. 0.1 -May 2022
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Eupry ApS | Dortheavej 59. 3. | 2400 Copenhagen | www.eupry.com/ |
+45 53 51 77 00