Approved Document No.: DNU0951001 Rev 3 • Page 7 of 8
The default operation of the NC951 is shown in the diagrams below.
Raising an alarm call
Accepting an alarm call and resetting the system
The distressed person raises
an alarm call by pulling the
cord on the ceiling pull.
The overdoor light activates to visually
and audibly guide people to the area
where assistance is required.
The call controller’s red ‘Calling’ LED and sounder
activate steady to let staff know someone inside
the WC requires assistance.
Inside the WC
The ceiling pull’s red LED activates steady, the reset point’s
red LED and sounder activate steady to confirm an alarm call
has been raised.
Outside the WC
A member of staff accepts the
alarm call by pressing the call
controller’s ‘Call Accept’ button.
Outside the WC
Once assistance has been provided,
the call is cancelled by pressing the
reset point’s ‘RESET’ button.
The system returns to normal.
The ceiling pull’s red LED activates steady,
the reset point’s red LED and sounder activate
intermittently to confirm help is on the way.
Inside the WC
The call controller’s on-board relay will also activate when an alarm call is made and
any external equipment connected to the relay contacts will operate as configured.
Instead of accepting an alarm call,
a selectable link inside the call controller
also allows its button operation to be set
up to reset the system, or have no effect.
Refer to ‘Engineer Selectable Functions’
section of this document for details.