ETT Distribution GmbH Schmalbachstraße 16 38112 Braunschweig
Nachdruck oder Vervielfältigung nur mit ausdrücklicher Genehmigung
Birthday Reminder:
Press [1] three times to enter this adjustment menu.
If you press now SET [3] the digits of hour flashes and can be adjusted with [4] or [5]. Confirm the
setting with SET [3] and the digits of minutes will flash and can be adjusted with [4] or [5]. Finally press
SET [3] again. Now in field [7] appear the digits of year to adjust one. Confirm the set up with SET [3]
Now adjust a month in field [8]. Thereafter presses SET [3] and adjust a day. Here upon the correct day
of the week will be displayed in field [9] automatically.
When the adjusted date and time is reaches the device plays the song „Happy Birthday to you“ for five
Press [1] three times to enter this adjustment menu.
If you press now SET [3] the digits of hour flashes and can be adjusted with [4] or [5]. Confirm the
setting with SET [3] and the digits of minutes will flash and can be adjusted with [4] or [5]. Finally press
SET [3] again.
At the bottom of the display appeared two digits which show a countdown of 60 repeatedly. Every
elapsed minute will be deducted from the adjusted time above.
After the adjusted time is over a signal will sound for one minute.
In normal mode field [10] shows the value of temperature which the integrated thermometer is
With SET [3] you can toggle between the units Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F).
Change of the Battery:
To exchange the battery you have to unscrew and open the lid of the battery compartment at the
backside of the device.