- 12 -
flashing set bit is already the lowest bit, it
doesn’t move).
”→” Cursor left arrow key
In date editing mode, short press this button to
make the flashing set bit move one bit to the
left(if the flashing set bit is already the highest
bit, it doesn’t move).
17. Rotating shuttle button:
In normal mode,
rotating shuttle in any direction or press the
button to enter into edit mode of voltage data; in
editing mode of any date, the current date editing
sit flicker display. After no editing operation 5S,
the system automatically exits the edit mode and
saves the final setting value, or through the "B
Lock" button to save and exit the setting value
In the data editing mode of any setting
value, turn the shuttle clockwise, the value of
flicker bit plus "1"". If it over 10 after adding 1,