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The ETI 131-1192-00 Bluetooth Module is used in conjunction with a Palm handheld and ETI’s Commander 
software to wirelessly setup and troubleshoot an ETI MNPR.  This module is to be used for temporary 
communications (as a cable replacement).  It is not intended to part of a permanently installed communications 


There are potentially dangerous/lethal voltages present on and around network protectors and related 

equipment.  Always wear appropriate PPE and observe all work rules and safety practices when using this 

and similar devices.




1.  Power on the Bluetooth module by pressing the pushbutton on the left side.  The blue light on the right side 
will begin flashing.  This indicates that the module is waiting for a connection.  The module will remain on for 
15 minutes after the last communication with the relay.  There is no way to manually turn the module off.  In 
the event that the blue light fails to turn on when the button is pressed, replace the 9V battery under the cover 
(remove the 4 screws to access). 
2.  Place the Bluetooth module over the optical window on the MNPR as shown below (MNPR must be 


3.  Take note of the serial number of the module (in this example it is 1000).  This number will be used later to 
identify the module on the Palm. 
