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A. Handling bottom side of M/B with a bevel angle into the main bracket.
B. Sliding headset-jack right into the case the first.
C. When headset has stuck, aim mini USB to lock its port, you will hear a “CLICK” sound if the
action is correct.
D. Taking care of the top of M/B, make sure it fitting well to the main bracket.
E. Two screw holes at top of the unit.
F. Use T5-screwdriver to screw them both.
G. Finish.
TIPS. Check buttons along the side, see if buttons are matched all function keys.
Caution!! Do not go pass this step without checking all buttons, in case the function key failed after assembly.
Receiver & Keypad Module Assy
Front Cover Assy
P/N: 49005280
A. Placing receiver, push it down to fit well the case.
B. Placing keypad module onto the certain position of cover.
C. Finish.