Attention Items:
Thank you for purchasing
ETCR2800 series products Non-Contact Ground Resistance Online Detector
of the company In order to make better use of the product please be certain:
To read this user manual carefully.
To comply with the operating cautions presented in this manual.
Apply to return circuit ground resistance, metallic return connection resistance, grounding conditions
on-line monitoring.
Single point grounding system, needs to increase assistance after the ends of the earth form a loop, then
install detector.
Note that this detector specified measuring range and using the environment.
Protection against rain shower and water logging of installation.
Install waterproof and rainproof of device at outdoors.
Detector signal line connected port towards the ground.
The dismantling, calibration and maintenance the Detector shall be operated by the authorized staff.
If the continuing use of it would be dangerous, the Detector should be stopped using immediately, and
immediately sealed for the treatment by the authorized agencies.
I. Brief Introduction
Non-Contact Grounding Resistance Online Detector
is our company devotes ourselves to Grounding
resistance test technical research
s another new high-tech product for more than ten years, built for online
monitoring grounding down lead connection status, return circuit grounding resistance and metal return circuit
connection resistance well-designed manufactured. on-line testing, non-contact measurement
grounding wire
pass through the hole, definitely not influence grounding for lightening effect and facilities
normal operation, real
time on-line testing. Detector provides power supply and
signal interface, provides standard
communication protocol, which is convenient for doing second development. Detector can
install and use singly, and also set up a network, realize long-distance on-line monitoring. Detector internally
installs sensor and circuit board, completely seals, possesses features of protection against rain, dust prevention,
resistance to high low temperature, corrosion prevention, inflaming retarding etc., ensure high-accuracy, high
stability and high reliability of long time on-line monitoring outdoors, underground mine and indoors.
Non-Contact Grounding Resistance Online Detector
applies to electric transmission line pole ground
connection, underground mine device ground connection, Meteorological lightning protection ground connection,
petrochemical engineering ground connection, communication ground connection, rail facility ground connection,
building the warehouse ground connection, electrical equipment ground connection etc..
II. Model Difference
Difference Explanation
Detector without display, user needs to do secondary development according to offered
RS485 communication protocol, to monitor the detection data.
Detector owns LCD display, Alarm setting, audible and visual alarm instructions and
can be independent installation and use, and also does secondary development
according to offered
communication protocol and organizes a network.