BR_XETK-S2.0 - User’s Guide
Hardware Description
Data Retention in Data Emulation Memory
The data emulation and measurement data memory physically consists of a static
Dual Port RAM and is permanently supplied with power from the car battery, to
guarantee that data is preserved even when the ignition is switched off. If the
ECU with ETK is isolated from the battery, all data will be lost. For brief power
interruptions, e.g. during a cold start procedure, buffering is guaranteed through
capacitors for several milliseconds.
Data Flash Memory
Flash memory is provided on the ETK-T2.2G for permanent storage of emulation
data. Users can copy the contents of the data emulation and measurement data
memory into the flash memory using the operating software. It is recommended
that an updated data set is always stored in the flash memory.
The ETK-T2.2G has a circuit which recognizes and stores power failures. If this
circuit detects a longer power failure, and therefore a possible inconsistency of
the emulation data, the ETK controller initiates a copying procedure Flash mem-
ory to DPR upon restart. The Flash memory data is copied to both emulation
pages. A green LED on the ETK displays the procedure. The operating software
announces the procedure by a message in the status line.
Code Flash Memory
The program code is not emulated by the ETK-T2.2G. The program code is stored
in the ECU Flash memory ("on chip" and/or external) and is not modified by the
ETK-T2.2G. Only the accessible emulation data areas are emulated by the ETK-
T2.2G. The ECU Flash memory can be programmed with the normal Flash mem-
ory programming tools.
Braindead Flashing
In order to support braindead flashing the ETK-T2.2G provides the hardware pre-
requisites to allow booting the microcontroller from the ETK memory and mak-
ing the flash accessible to the software while the microcontroller is running from
the ETK memory. For braindead flashing it is required that the microcontroller
boots from the ETK memory.
When braindead flashing is initiated, the first step is to force the ECU’s microcon-
troller into a reset.
A valid boot programming code will be downloaded into the ETK-T2.2G.
The ETK drives the HWCFG input such that the ECU’s microcontroller is config-
ured to external boot. If the Reset signal is deactivated the microcontroller
accepts the external Reset Configuration presented on HWCFG. The ECU’s
microcontroller boots from /CS0 (which is now the ETK CS) and executes the
boot programming (recovery) code from the ETK memory (see Fig. 4-2
on page 19).
The Flash memory on the
only stores data which exists in the data
emulation and measurement data memory of the
. The program
code is stored only in the ECU Flash memory.