ES31x.1 User’s Guide
ES300 Product Family
ES300 Product Family
This chapter contains information about the following topics:
• "CAN Bus Cabling Concept" on page 13
• "Properties of the ES300 series" on page 13
CAN Bus Cabling Concept
In a test vehicle, several hundred sensors must be installed in many areas for the
testing phase, e.g. in the engine compartment and in the ground area. The sen-
sors distributed over the entire vehicle must then be connected with the measur-
ing devices of the test setup.
Today's standard solutions with a central setup of the measuring devices in the
passenger compartment require a complex cabling of the widely distributed sen-
sors with the measuring devices. Numerous, mostly long connecting cables
between sensors and measuring devices, combined into several thick cable har-
nesses, demand a heavily modified fire wall of the test vehicle. This causes long
setup times and high costs.
With the ES300 modules, ETAS offers a decentral solution that significantly sim-
plifies the measuring set-up of the sensors.
The basic idea of this concept is to install the modules of the ES300 series spa-
tially as close as possible to the sensors, to chain the modules with each other
and to connect only the first module of this chain with the laptop in the vehicle.
The ES300 modules from ETAS are independent measuring modules that pass
the measuring signals over the CAN bus. They can be operated individually as
well as in combination with other modules from ETAS.
Properties of the ES300 series
Advantages of the Decentral Cabling Concept
• The compact ES300 modules can be installed close to the sensors with
short connecting cables.
• The simple assembly and cabling principle (daisy-chain topology) of the
– requires only on common cable between the modules for the power
supply and the transmission of data,
– significantly reduces the setup times for the tests, and
– simplifies the maintenance and expansion of the measuring setup.
• Only the laptop has to be accommodated in the vehicle, which is con-
nected with the modules using a single cable.
• Test vehicles equipped with a ES300 measuring system can be used in a
flexible way since the vehicles do not have to be modified for changed or
new test assignments.