Basic Safety Notices
User Guide
This product does not contain any of the restricted substances specified in the
EU Directive 2011/65/EU or exceeds the maximum concentrations stipulated
therein. For individual electronic components used in our products, there are
currently no equivalent alternative substances, which is why we make use of
the exception 7A and 7C-I in Annex III of this Directive.
ETAS confirms that the product corresponds to this directive which is applica
ble in the European Union.
ETAS confirms that the product meets the product-specific applicable guide
lines of the China RoHS (Management Methods for Controlling Pollution
Caused by Electronic Information Products Regulation) applicable in China
with the China RoHS marking affixed to the product or its packaging.
Declarable Substances
European Union
Some products from ETAS GmbH (e.g. modules, boards, cables) use compo
nents with substances that are subject to declaration in accordance with the
REACH regulation (EU) no.1907/2006.
Detailed information is located in the ETAS download center in the customer
information "REACH Declaration" (
). This information is
continuously being updated.
Use of Open Source Software