Tap on „Info“ to view the memory information of each storage
Here you can view the file categories and the used disk space
on the selected storage location.
The usage is displayed in percent and in kilobytes/megabytes/
Once you have open an image file, you can start a slideshow
of all the pictures stored in the directory. Tap on the image and
the playback options are displayed.
With a separately available 3G USB adapter and an activated
SIM card (3G), it is possible to use the optional „Internet“ fea-
ture. Connect the 3G USB adapter incl. the SIM card into with
the USB port of the device. The follow the installation instruc-
tions of the stick. Make sure you have your access data of your
the internet connection.
The operation of the browser works best with the included sty-
lus marker.s
After tapping „Internet“, the Microsoft™ IE browser opens, which you can operate with the touchscreen. The
operation is modeled like a standard web browser on your home computer. By tapping on the yellow icon,
the screen keyboard of the IE web browser opens and allows manual text inputs. Exit the application with the
yellow arrow on the left above or press „MENU“ on the device.
Tap on „Options“ to perform file operations, such as deleting
or copying files.
With the copy function, it is possible to move files to another
location or to another disk.