Revised: 2 Jul 04
When powering up the Model 195Eg for
the first time you must use the ESTeem
RS-232C Configuration Menu to setup the
basic operating parameters such as
assigning the Model 195Eg an IP Address,
IP Net Mask, Gateway IP Address, Domain
Name, and DNS IP Address. This is
necessary to communicate with the Model
195Eg using your web browser. Chapter 2,
Starting Out will provide detailed
information on how this is done.
Figure 1 shows a typical hardware
configuration if you are accessing the
ESTeem Web page from a computer over a
hardwired LAN. The Model 195Eg is
interfaced to the LAN from a Hub or
Switch. Figure 2 shows a typical hardware
configuration if you are accessing the
ESTeem Web page from a computer interfaced directly to the Model 195Eg Ethernet port.
Connect the antenna/s to the antenna connector on the Model 195Eg.
Plug the Model AA175 power
supply into a wall socket and
connect the Ethernet patch
cable to the Ethernet port on
the Model 195Eg. The Power
over Ethernet (POE) LED on
the front of the Model 195Eg
should be illuminated.
Connect the Ethernet cable to
the LAN or computer.
There is no Power On/Off
switch on the Model 195Eg.
Please attach an antenna to
the Model 195Eg before
power up.
When powering up the
Model 195Eg for the first
time you must use the
ESTeem RS-232C
Configuration Menu
described in Section 2 to
setup the basic operating
parameters such as assigning the IP Address, IP Net Mask, Gateway IP Address, Domain Name, and DNS IP Address.
Figure 1: Hardware Setup Using LAN Ethernet Connection
Figure 2: Hardware Setup Direct to Computer